Wizard Uno Stay-Dry

Wizard Uno Stay-Dry

This trim and pliable Wizard Uno is an all-in-one (AIO) diaper with a stay dry material on the inside. The diaper is made of polyester and the top layer provides a dry feeling to the skin, even if the diaper is wet. It is a one-piece diaper and very easy to put on. That makes it ideal for babysitters or daycare. The insert is sewn onto the cover at the front and the back. This leaves a lot of space between the insert and the cover to add an optional booster to increase the absorbency. The diaper fits from around 3 to 16 kg and is adjustable in three sizes. It closes with a double row of snaps. 

The cover as well as the insert have elastics around the legs, which helps contain poop. The cover also has elastics around the belly and back. 


Insert: 100% polyester
Cover: 100% polyester with PUL 

This cloth diaper can be washed at 60 degrees Celsius, and can be dried in the dryer on low heat.