Rig n Gig

Rig n Gig reusable diapers

Rig n Gig is a young brand started in 2020 by an almost-retired grandmother. As a single mother, Karyn sometimes had to choose between diapers and food. She was lucky enough to be able to use reusble cloth diapers part-time to reduce the recurring cost of disposable diapers. Karyn believes no parent should have to choose between food or diapers. Now that Karyn is a grandmother and nearing retirement, she has time to put her heart and soul into a cloth diaper business of her own. She says herself 'If I could only provide a handful of parents with affordable washable diapers so that they could save some money, then my mission would have been accomplished'.

The name Rig n Gig comes from the nickname Karyn's father used to have for her and her best friend Reighmore. Reighmore was Rig and Karyn was Gig. Karyn's father passed away when she was 10 years old and this name is a tribute to him. And more than 50 years later, Rig is still one of Karyn's best friends.

In addition to the 'normal' One Size products, Rig n Gig has a fairly extensive range of diapers and covers for older children. In addition to pull-up diapers, we also sell larger pocket diapers and large covers from this brand.

Rig n Gig information

Brand origin country: Canada

Country of production: China

Website: https://rigngig.com/